【Video recording is uploaded】Foresight | Webinar: Brief Introduction and Q&As on GACC Registration of Aquatic Products Manufacturers

【Video Recording】

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China has always been a major trader of aquatic products, showing a trend of slowing export and increasing import in recent years. Data shows that in 2022, China’s cumulative imports of aquatic products reached 4.54 million tons with a remarkable 20.2% year-on-year increase, which brings China closer to transforming from an aquatic products exporter to a net importer. It is foreseeable that with the further loosening of import and export policies, China’s demand for aquatic products will continue to surge in 2023. Under this situation, aquatic products enterprises all over the world begin placing access to the Chinese market on the top of their priorities.


However, understanding the market rules is always the first step to enter the market. What aquatic products are currently allowed to be exported to China? What is the export process? And How to cope with the problems encountered during the access and registration process?


In the following free FORESIGHT webinar, Foodmate will introduce GACC registration and other FAQs to the aquatic products manufacturers. If you have plans to expand the Chinese market, please stay tuned!










Main Content】

-1. Application for registration

-2. Application for modification

-3. Application for extension and cancellation

-4. Q & A


Lisa Sun   Senior Food Safety Compliance Specialist


Senior consultant on food safety compliance from Foodmate China, with rich experience on site food quality control and food regulatory compliance consulting. 

Lisa studies deeply on China food standard and regulation, food safety administration system, import & export process and overseas enterprise registration. Also having comprehensive knowledge on international food regulation as CAC, US, EU, Japan, Aus and ASEAN countries etc.

Lisa has hosted and participated in many food i&e compliance projects from government and enterprise, gave lessons to food regulation staff of many well-known enterprises. In addition, Lisa made speeches on food regulation topic on several food special conference.



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